Policy & Procedure Creation Toolkit
Policies are created to communicate "what" action or conduct is expected of individuals or members of a community in defined or general circumstances. Our policies aim to support UCSB's research, teaching, public service and operational objectives, within the constraints of Federal and State law and University policy. Clearly written and realistic policy establishes responsibilities and accountability and guides the campus community. Compliance with our policies contributes to our efficiency and engages the public's confidence, furthering our ability to perform our mission and grow in stature.
Procedures are created to communicate "how" a policy is to be implemented or a task accomplished. To be effective, procedures must clearly convey specific action steps in sequence (when linear) and identify who is responsible for performing each step.
Using the campus policy template maintains a standard structure and organization throughout UCSB policies and will help campus users locate and understand the information provided in the policy section.
Generally, campus policies should not repeat information provided in systemwide policies. Best practice is to provide references to the systemwide policy with appropriate links instead. The information contained in the document called "Linking to UCOP Policy" provides guidance on the appropriate way to create those links to minimize maintenance.
Policy and Procedure Review and Approval Process
To be established as a campus policy or procedure, it must be approved by the delegated authority(ies) following appropriate consultation. Because of the importance of shared governance, the review of a policy or procedure is generally iterative and includes a variety of members of the campus community. The breadth of consultation is derived from the impact of the new policy or procedure or the significance of a change in a proposed revision. A summary of the process and simplified flow charts of 1) the standard review process and 2) the process followed to review minor revisions (such as title or format changes) are in the adjacent box.
To initiate the campus-wide review and approval process, contact policy@ucsb.edu.